![]() Robert Louis Schulz, a.k.a. “Bob”, has been a tireless defender of the Constitution for thirty years and a man whose love for The People of America has awakened millions to the Cause of Liberty. Though many do not know it yet, he is one of the great Freedom Keepers of our time. Founder and Chairman of the non-profit educational organization, We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, and its sister action arm, We The People Congress, Schulz has brought to the forefront of civic action in America, the most profound of constitutional solutions: the unalienable right to Petition for a Redress of Grievances. With the support of freedom-loving citizens across America, Schulz has established the most thorough and exhaustive Record of Petitions on behalf of The People of The United States of America, a process revealed and justified through the Capstone Right of the 1st Amendment. Every American should understand what the efforts of this tireless patriot mean for our Nation. With every major violation of the Constitution by our elected officials –at both state and federal levels – Bob has fearlessly stood before the most powerful government on the Earth, with unapologetic determination, documenting the wrongs and demanding their reversal, in an effort to save America from devastating impacts which are now all too apparent. At every turn, and often standing alone while Americans appeared apathetic, indifferent or otherwise complacent, Bob Schulz has seen to it that profound legal Records were established of numerous government decisions which have no authority under the Constitution, demanding elected officials be held accountable to their Oath of Office. As more and more people finally awaken to the wrongs which have been committed, these formal Records provide the bedrock for The People to take their stand to ensure America will remain a free country of sovereign men and women. Schulz’s single-pointed focus to the Cause of Liberty illumined the Capstone Right in the 1st Amendment, which has otherwise laid virtually dormant in modern-day America. The Right traces back to the Magna Carta of 1215, which gave mankind their first glimpse and application of individual rights. This Capstone Right, is THE KEY to The People’s all-important role in the governing process, to hold their servant government accountable. Holding close to the wisdom and experiences of the Founding Fathers in establishing America, Bob Schulz was inspired late in 2008 to establish the concept for a modern-day Continental Congress, as a legal and peaceful means through which the Voice for Constitutional obedience could be heard amidst efforts to dismantle the Republic. With tireless devotion, Schulz set out on a four month tour to every state in the Union, to meet with The People in an effort to establish the awareness and leadership necessary to bring CC2009 as the appropriate next step for a free people. |
Biography — Engineering degree from the United States Merchant Marine Academy (1963) — Masters Degree in Business Administration from Xavier University (1969). — Has completed most of the course work for a Ph. D. in Public Administration at the Graduate School of Public Affairs , State University of NY. — Held significant positions in industry (General Electric) — And in government (Connecticut, New York State, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), — As well as Wall Street (Prudential-Bache), in business (founder and CEO of a consulting firm), — And has been a radio talk-show host (WROW in Albany, New York). — Bob received an honorable discharge from the U.S. Air Force in 1959 — He answered his country’s call by volunteering as a ship’s engineer during the sea- lift to Vietnam in 1966. — For the past 30 years Bob has been occupied with an abiding concern about wrongful governmental behavior. — Bob has performed the research, prepared the briefs and argued cases in the highest state and federal courts. — At least one hundred fifty-five (155) decisions have been rendered in cases he has brought against unconstitutional and illegal governmental behavior. |