1. Instruct the U.S. Representatives and Senators to reclaim their exclusive constitutional power to declare war by:
a) Repealing all acts, executive orders, and resolutions pertaining to the delegation of any war or emergency powers to the President;
b) Ending the funding of any and all offensive or pre-emptive military activities throughout the world within twelve (12) months after being served with this document;
c) Complying fully and strictly with all of the war powers provisions in the Constitution as originally written and adopted, never again allowing any American troops to be committed for any reason except in accordance with the Constitution;
d) Impeaching any President who initiates military activity without a lawful Congressional Declaration of War as stated in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution;
2. Immediately recall all National Guard troops and equipment;
3. Obey the Constitutional Oath of Office by refusing to commit any militia, equipment, or funds that may result in injury or loss of human life without a lawful Congressional Declaration of War as stated in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution;
4. Protest any military action by the President in any form without a lawful Congressional Declaration of War as stated in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.