Article 13: Part 2: A PRESENTMENT

By and of
The Continental Congress of 2009

Raising a question of the Article II Eligibility of Mr. Obama

LET IT BE KNOWN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Delegates of the Continental Congress 2009, on this 18th day of November, 2009, find that:

WHEREAS, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution for the United States says that “no Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of the Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;” and,


WHEREAS, in our Constitutional Republic, government is an indispensable necessity and, that whenever and however it is instituted, the People must place trust in and rely upon their representatives in order to vest it with requisite powers; and,

WHEREAS all branches of government in the United States of America have the duty and obligation to protect the People from usurpation and foreign influence, and to ensure that deceptive practices in the determination of eligibility and election of our federal public servants in positions of influence and power are fully and thoroughly investigated; and

WHEREAS the framers of our Constitution, and those sworn to uphold it, have historically recognized that the loyalty of the President of the United States, vested with supreme executive power and command of our armed forces, be true and faithful, unfettered by foreign ties, attachments and allegiance; and

WHEREAS to allow otherwise, affords opportunity to tamper with domestic factions, practice arts of seduction, mislead public opinion, and influence or awe the institutions of government; and

WHEREAS the traditions of such a Constitutional requirement lay in the common belief that the leader of the executive branch of our Federal government have the breath of life bestowed in the womb of a mother, by a father, both citizens of the United States of America owing no allegiance to any foreign sovereignty, and born on sovereign American soil; and

WHEREAS, the definition of a natural born citizen is derived from the Constitutionally accepted and referenced body of law known as the Law of Nations as quoted in the treatise, The Law of Nations, as those born in the country of parents who are citizens; and

WHEREAS, a person born of a foreign minister, consul, citizen, or subject of a foreign State would not be solely subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, such person may possess a divided allegiance; and

WHEREAS, it is logical that the founders intended to hold the offices of President and Vice President to a higher standard of citizenship to insure no divided allegiance; if the Founders intended for native born citizens to be eligible for these offices, they would not have distinguished this requirement from that of a Senator; thus, a natural born citizen is necessarily a higher form of citizen than a native born citizen which may have a divided allegiance; and

WHEREAS, the People who framed this nation through the Constitution would not entrust their well being and security to any other type of individual holding such high office, neither shall we, the People, today; and

WHEREAS, it is unreasonable to conclude that every person born within the geographical territory of the United States is a natural born Citizen, irrespective of circumstances, and that the child of a foreigner, happening to be born to him while passing through the country, is eligible to the presidency, while the child of our Citizens, born abroad, is not; and

WHEREAS, the purported President of the United States, Mr. Obama, was allegedly born in the State of Hawaii to a Kenyan father who by his own admission was a British subject from the British Colony of Kenya, only temporarily residing in the United States as a student; and,

WHEREAS, the citizenship status of Mr. Obama upon his birth would have been governed, not only by the laws of the United States, but the British Nationality Act of 1948, which by its language made Mr. Obama a subject of said British colony, thus with dual citizenship at the least; and,

WHEREAS, a concentrated effort has been made by many, including members of Congress entrusted by the People to protect and defend the Constitution, to intentionally subvert the legitimate and patriotic concern that the current President of the United States is ineligible and disabled under the requirements of the Constitution, which created the office which he presently holds and is the only position in federal government in which he may not sit; and

WHEREAS, the Judiciary has willfully infringed upon the unalienable rights of sovereign citizens to have Constitutional questions resolved by denying standing via technicality of law; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Obama has been less than forthcoming to those who have continually and consistently requested certain documentation to ensure his eligibility for the Office of the President under Article II, and

WHEREAS, Mr. Obama, on the contrary, signed Executive Order 13489 claiming executive privilege blocking the release of personal documents by the National Archives and Records Administration immediately following his inauguration, and further, has expended large sums of public money to pay for attorneys necessary to frustrate those who simply wish to ensure that our President is eligible for the Office he holds under the Constitution for the United States, and

WHEREAS, Mr. Obama, with respect, has engaged in conduct unbecoming of the President of the United States, in which reasonable doubt can be raised as to his fidelity to the United States; and

WHEREAS, the delegates of the Continental Congress 2009 believe the People, regardless of their level of support of Mr. Obama, are interested, desirous, and in need of a resolution regarding the eligibility of Mr. Obama under the Constitution for the United States;


1. Call upon State and Federal Judges, Congress, and any others with appropriate power, authority and jurisdiction, to uphold your oath to the Constitution and investigate, to the fullest extent of the law, power and authority vested in you, the truth concerning the natural born citizenship status of Mr. Obama; and

2. Order a Grand Jury investigation of the matter of Mr. Obama’s eligibility and the prosecution of any who may have committed fraud and/or conspired to commit fraud; and

3. Remove Mr. Obama from the Office of President, according to Constitutional provisions available for such action, should it be discovered, in Truth and Substance, that Mr. Obama is not a natural born Citizen.


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