September 10, 2009
Congressman Ron Paul
U.S. House of Representatives
203 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Ron:
The Free People of America have been presented with three Plans to defend our Constitutional Republic: the Campaign For Liberty (C4L) Plan, inspired by you; the Committees of Safety (CoS) Plan, championed by Edwin Vieira; and the Continental Congress 2009 (CC 2009) Plan that I have been championing.
Each Plan calls on the free People to act in a different way.
Under the C4L Plan the People are called upon to elect those people to the U.S.
Congress who pledge “across the board” obedience to the Constitution.
Under the CoS Plan, the People are called upon to elect those people to their State Legislatures who pledge to vote for a state statute that would require the introduction of sound currency in their state and a well-regulated state Militia.
Under the CC 2009 Plan, the People are called upon to elect those people to a Continental Congress who pledge to methodically document the “across the board” violations of the Constitution and Government’s refusal to respond to the People’s Petitions for Redress of those Grievances, and to recommend a specific course of action to be taken by the free People, themselves, to peaceably procure relief.
Relief under the C4L and CoS Plans depends on the will of the majority – that is, one more than half the number of people voting in the precincts and then one more than half the number of people voting in the halls of Congress, or the State Legislature, as the case may be. Even then, relief may still depend upon one more than half the number of people voting on the bench at the United States Supreme Court.
Relief under the CC 2009 Plan does not depend on the will of any majority, but would require a critical mass of people (say, 5%) reasoning the course of action recommended by the delegates is constitutional and justified (any Right that is not enforceable is not a Right), and who resolve to participate and stand together regardless of the level of practical difficulty.
Standing alone, the C4L and CoS Plans are compatible and in harmony with America as a Pure Democracy, where individual Rights depend upon and are guaranteed by the will of the majority and Government’s power is not limited by any written Constitution.
On the other hand, the CC 2009 Plan harmonizes with America as a Constitutional Republic, where individual Rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and a determined individual or minority, not the will of any majority, and Government’s power is strictly limited by the written Constitution.
Rather than being considered mutually exclusive, the C4L, CoS and CC 2009 Plans ought to be considered as a complete set of activities needed to restore and maintain one’s Rights, Freedoms and Liberties under the Constitution – that is, bringing to perfection durable constitutional governance carried out in decency and good order.
To that end, would you be available anytime soon for a meeting with Ed Vieira and myself to discuss this concept?
In Liberty,
Bob Schulz
Cc: Dr. Edwin Vieira VIA E-MAIL
Edwin Vieira, Jr.
52 Stonegate Court,
Front Royal, VA 22630.
John Tate, President VIA FACSIMILE: (703) 865-7549
Campaign For Liberty
5211 Port Royal Rd.
Suite 310
Springfield, VA 22151
Constitutional Education, Inc.
2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804
Phone: (518) 656-3578 Fax: (518) 656-9724