8:45 p.m EST – Call Opens / Tech Check
9:00 p.m. EST – Official Call / Agenda Begins
Webinar Registration Link https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/278497083
United States: 916-233-3088
Access Code: 171-928-365
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the Webinar
Webinar ID: 278-497-083
All states but ND participating in CC 2009
All Ballots Now Available On-line
TwoLocations to Find Them:
1) The Link at Each State Page on GiveMeLiberty.org
2) http://www.cc2009.us/about-cc2009/delegate-voting-info
Which will be linked to in the much needed “Easy Button” graphics and promotion forthcoming to the front page of GiveMeLiberty.org and all the pages of CC2009.us
# of Voting Centers Changing Even Though Official Deadline Past
All Mail-in Ballots Must Be Postmarked on or before October 10th
Final Tabulation – October 17th
Election Results Announced – October 18th
Action Items
EVERYONE! Confirm Ballot Information on your state page
PLAN A – ALL States with Voting Centers: Go to your state page. Confirm all Voting Centers are posted correctly with complete information and including election contact name and email address. If information is missing, provide it immediately in ONE EMAIL to honoramerica@gmail.com by Monday.
PLAN B – ALL States using Mail-in ballots, ESPECIALLY those with own P.O. Box: Verify information including contact information. If information is missing, provide it immediately in ONE EMAIL to honoramerica@gmail.com by Monday.
EVERYONE! OUTREACH FOR ELECTION DAY: Tell delegates to inform others to vote for them.
EVERYONE! OUTREACH FOR ELECTION DAY: Reach out via phone, email, press releases etc., to let as many people, groups, organizations, media as possible know that people are voting in every state for Delegates to CC 2009. Below agenda is a sample message Bruce Olley in Mississippi is sending to his email list and the editor of his local paper.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PLAN A STATES: Individual Voting Center Election Teams: Read this Addendum and use these forms to tabulate their final vote count and fax to Vickie and Karen after the polls close on October 10th (THE NATIONAL TOLL-FREE FAX NUMBER is 1-888-858-6923)
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PLAN B STATES: Mail-in Ballot Coordinators: Read same Addendum and use forms to tabulate final vote count and fax to Vickie and Karen on October 17th.
REMINDER: Final results for every state will be posted on October 18th on a CC 2009 election day web page and on the individual state pages.
Please put the word out: ELECTION DAY OPEN CALL – THIS Wednesday night, October 7, 2009 – 8-9pmCST. For Election Teams., state coordinators, others involved with election day proceedings on October 10. Chaired by Vicki and Karen. Questions, answers, procedures. CALL-IN: 402-237 2901 #5092984
The Continental Congress of 1774 led to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States of American that liberated We the People from the tyrannical Laws of the English Empire. In this tradition, historic Elections will be held in Regional Voting Centers located in Batesville, McComb, Hattisburg, and Aberdeen on 10 October from 10 AM to 4 PM. Three Delegates will be elected from a field of five nominees to represent We the People of Mississippi. The elected Delegates assemble at the Continental Congress 2009 in St. Charles, IL from 8 to 22 November to determine the State of the Union as compared to our Constitution as written and to present to a candid world their findings. Only popular support of these findings by a multitude of We the People can reclaim our Constitutional System of Governance in a civil manner. Two hundred years of proactive undermining of our System of Governance by our Federal, State, and County Governments has led us to the current avalanche of laws that has transformed free people with subject governments to a condition of free governments with subject people. We must unite against institutionalized devisiveness, the welfare/warfare/police State, counterfeit money system, massive Government debt, credit crisis, tax funded and tax exempt non-government entities, the corruption of our system of taxation, and a host of other Government created problems in our society.
Unite with We the People Congress to restore our rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness by supporting this historic effort. Our First Amendment Right to Petition our Governments for Redress of Grievance exists but needs to be enforce by popular demand. The radical “Change” in progress is leading us to an “American Empire” that abates our Revolution and the profound creation of our Founding Fathers. Our families will suffer under the oppressive power of our Governments. It is time to choose up sides!
To view Delegate Profiles, Regional Voting Center addresses, and other Mississippi News and information visit:
Bruce Olley
Aberdeen, Ms
662-369-8209 phone/fax/message
662-369-5007 cell
-Outreach to introduce delegates – events, video, audio.
-Inform public via e-blasts and contact organizations;
-Send Hometown release to press–personalize with names of delegates, info on elections
-Keep sending additional Brave & Wealthy Contact info to honoramerica@gmail.com
Send to honoramerica@gmail.com, cc2009@admospheres.com
-Give us the name and address of each Voting Center by entering the data into the Voting Center Spreadsheet. Send the completed information to mike@givemeliberty.org, vickivoter@gmail.com and karen@voterescue.org